[Frameworks] Plus X Reversal discontinued

Pip Chodorov frameworks at re-voir.com
Mon Jun 28 11:51:36 CDT 2010

Three weeks ago I spoke to C.J. Johnson, world product manager at 
Kodak responsible for Super-8. I called him because it's getting hard 
to buy Super-8 from Kodak in Paris, even though they are releasing 
new stocks. He confirmed that PLUS-X is gone, but TRI-X will remain 
He is excited about the new Ektachrome 100D, though he realizes it's 
impractical to configure the cameras. I suggested he at least include 
a blue filter in the box for indoor filming, because the cameras are 
all equipped only with orange filters for Tungsten-balanced stock, 
and he is considering. He loves the new Vision 3 stocks and will be 
discontinuing the 200T vision 2 and replacing it with 200T vision 3. 
He is also hoping to release 50D in Super-8. But these are negative 
stocks and as of yet there is no printing material to make positives. 
We spoke about that too.
He is open to suggestions and curious for comments, so if you post 
them here I can forward them.

At 9:39 -0700 28/06/10, Bernard Roddy wrote:
>Whoa!  Called Kodak.  Yes, Plus-X is discontinued and out of stock. 
>There's still Tri-X.  What an omen.  Could a supplier discontinue an 
>oil paint?

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