[Frameworks] First time experiment, need words from the wise

mallary abel mallaryabel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 16:37:50 CDT 2010

Hi Frameworkers,

I've got some concerns/queries about a current project. For my first hand
painted film, I'm using glass paint on clear estar 16mm and also I'm
experimenting with flower petals, leaves, things of that nature. The
particles I'm using are thin and light, so I haven't had any problems (yet)
with bits chipping off or getting jammed in the projector. I want to use
layers with great textures.

I wondered if anyone had any other recommendation for paint, or ink, or
stains. The glass paint I'm using is doing an OK job, but it dries really
thin, so I have to keep layering it. Obviously I don't want to layer it too
much, but I want the colors to be bold, thick and loud. I'd like to refrain
from using acrylic or oils.

Then I wondered also, much like painters can use gesso to transfer an image
(newspapers/xerox copies), is there anything that can be done similarly?
Entirely camera-less and without an  optical printer?

Lastly my biggest concern is the workprint/telecine. Who will even do a
workprint on such a risky film? Someone told me they "wouldn't touch it with
a ten foot pole." But these films are made often, right? So someone has to
do it? Or is to assume this naive?

Any help on any of these questions would be sincerely appreciated...

Thank you.

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