[Frameworks] Telecine transfer

Myron Ort zeno at sonic.net
Sun Jan 23 16:02:55 CST 2011

Anyone have experience with supervising their telecine transfers?   I  
am about to do this again.  I am leery of racking up too much time on  
the clock with scene by scene color adjusting, but a certain amount  
of correcting will be necessary.  If a scene is corrected, can they  
then go back to the same "default" settings that was working on the  
previous scenes.  Any suggestions for communicating with these  
"colorist" technicians who do  not necessarily know how to deal with  
complex experimental hand painted films?  I do not want to end up  
with all my color subtleties having that over saturated color  
sameness which is the tendency of the digital transferring.  I don't  
have a "Criterion"- like budget and I am not set up to venture into  
doing this technology myself yet.  I already notice that every  
telecine house and every colorist has their own "approach", and I am  
just a bit mystified by how the telecine color board operates  
exactly.   I wish I could do something close to a "best light"  
transfer with a few  general scene corrections.  Any two cents may help.

Myron Ort

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