[Frameworks] Kodak 7212?

Beebe,Roger W rogerbb at ufl.edu
Thu May 5 12:00:41 CDT 2011

Did anyone comment here on the discontinuation of Kodak 7212 (100T).  I know more than one filmmaker (Rob Todd, Tony Gault) has mentioned to me that they've used that in their JK optical printers.  Apparently Kodak announced its discontinuation in October, and they expect us to use 7213 (200T) instead.  I'm sure they're not thinking about people who want SLOWER stocks & for whom too little light isn't an issue, but this seems like a significant loss.  I know there was the recent thread on print stocks here, and those remain good options, but it's terrible to lose one more tool from the toolkit.

Anyway, for those who hadn't already heard, heads up.

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