[Frameworks] FW: Renewal of your subscription to the FRAMEWORKS list

William Wees, Dr. william.wees at mcgill.ca
Mon May 16 10:07:09 CDT 2011


Does the renewal notice (below) mean frameworks has gone back to its old AOL address?


William C. Wees,

Emeritus Professor (McGill University)

Postal address:

Department of Art History and Communication Studies

McGill University

853 Sherbrooke St. West--Arts W225

Montreal, QC   H3A 2T6

Phone: 514 398-4935     Fax: 514 398-7247

-----Original Message-----
Sent: May 16, 2011 6:00 AM
To: William Wees, Dr.
Subject: Renewal of your subscription to the FRAMEWORKS list

Mon, 16 May 2011 06:00:03

Your subscription to the FRAMEWORKS list  is due for renewal. If you wish
to remain subscribed to FRAMEWORKS, please issue the following command to
LISTSERV at LISTSERV.AOL.COM at your earliest convenience:

                           CONFIRM FRAMEWORKS

You will  be automatically  removed from the  list if you  do not  send a
CONFIRM command within the next 7 days. The simplest way to do this is to
click on the following link:


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