[Frameworks] Sundry film stuff for the asking

Steven Gladstone Steven at gladstonefilms.com
Tue Feb 14 12:49:24 CST 2012

I'm going to be getting rid of a bunch of stuff, even a 16mm viewer and 
35mm sync block. Including a Redlake Hycam, and a big box of OCN - 
People used to use that for SLUG didn't they?

You can read about it here:

This will happen next week, and I'm happy to get it off my hands and not 
in the trash.

If anyone has suggestions about the OCN (both color and Black and White) 
and film prints. Please send them along.


Steven Gladstone
New York Based Cinematographer
Gladstone films
Blog - http://indiekicker.reelgrok.com/

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