[Frameworks] canyon in the news (bad news dept)

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Sun Feb 19 17:00:05 CST 2012

Tim Halloran wrote:

> Relax. While you do make some relevant points, it's not quite as bad as
> that for junior faculty. Everything requires a bit of political finesse
> but you do have some rights and can get what you need if you play your
> cards right. And I do know what I'm talking about as I am one of them.

Yes! I've taught off and on over the years. Lately I am part time and
"junior" at a strongly "tuition-driven" school in which avant-garde film
is certainly not the focus. So I don't show a lot of that. But I have
found that if you intelligently and passionately make the case to students
for, for example, showing film on film, many are receptive. I use some of
my prints, borrow some from friends, and use the prints in the school's
library that few faculty there use today.

Every instructor is going to have a different experience, at different
schools, even with different groups of students within the same school.
One key is to understand what your students are like in order to talk with
them with enthusiasm. Another is to speak with care and passion. Like most
people, many students respond to sincerity. But if you don't even care
about the difference between showing on celluloid films made to be shown
on cellulloid, and showing the same films on video, or worse on poor
quality bootleg video, well, then you're arguably contributing to the
cause of Canyon's troubles, while also not doing the larger cause of cinem
much good.

Fred Camper

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