[Frameworks] Need Bolex Camera Information

Steven steven at gladstonefilms.com
Thu Aug 29 00:47:50 UTC 2013

Hi Adrian, Check out the links on this page.

Also on this page is a bunch of links you may find interesting.



On 8/28/13 11:29 AM, Adrian Yepez wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Adrian. I live in Austin, TX and I'm currently a student at my community college, Austin Community College (or ACC), and I need some help as to where a good starting point would be when it comes to researching Bolex cameras. Yesterday I pitched an idea to my two RTF professors about starting up a club that's involved in investing in vintage film equipment for the RTF students at ACC to have access to and start up an experimental film portion of the RTF program. One professor absolutely loved the idea of having that aspect as part of the RTF Program and deeply encouraged me to actually make this club happen. But on the other hand my other professor gave me the harsh realities as to why that would never work. Unfortunately I won't go into detail as to why that wouldn't work, but I left his office with my head pointed to the sky because I believe it can actually work. I mean why not right? My goal is learn to how to use and know as much information about old Bolex cameras. I want film to still be alive and used by students, regardless if they're from a community college or not, to not only have on their résumé but as an amazing experience as well. A student that diversifies themselves by having the experience of both worlds would truly give them a wider perspective in the film industry. So Im reaching out to anybody that is willing to give me a good starting point I would most appreciate it! Please anybody! Thank you.
> -Adrian
> Sent from my iPhone
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Steven Gladstone
New York Based Filmmaker

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