[Frameworks] new architecture/buildings/rooms wired with cameras and mics

David Tetzlaff djtet53 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 00:44:23 UTC 2013

The first question I'd ask is what's included in the "etc." other than lectures?

As with any production setup, what exactly you want to shoot goes a long way to determining what kind of tech setup you need.

The second question is whether the room is going to have some kind of cameras permanently installed, or whether you will be using a camcorder brought in for the 'taping' to which an audio feed will be connected?

The problems with permanently installed cameras:
* They're usually mounted on a side wall where they get a poor angle, too much profile.
* Assuming the lecturers/etc. won't be pinned behind a lectern, you'll need camera robotics with remote monitors, remote controls, some kind of control room. so an operator can pan, tilt, zoom to cover the presentation in anything other than a ridiculously wise shot. I suppose better systems are available these days, but in all the lecture-halls with robotic-controlled cameras I've ever seen (back in the day, mostly) the motors made enough noise that the any camera movements would distract the audience members seated nearby...

The problems with camcorders:
* They usually wind up getting placed in the back of the auditorium/room where they get a shittily wide shot, or have to be zoomed in to the point where camera jiggle becomes a problem.
* Since the camcorder has a mic, the AV people figure that will record the sound OK, which it won't. 

The common problem: who is going to operate the system?
One way or the other, you need someone (or more than one person) who knows how to use the camera and get a good shot, knows how to mic the presenters properly, knows how to do a live audio mix if more than one mic is involved, and knows how to get the audio system hooked into the video properly. Most colleges have a budget to buy fancy high-tech facilities, but no budget for skilled operators. They send out a single clueless work-study student... and that means you usually get garbage no matter what kind of tech you have available.


I can say more, but maybe, Shelly, you can tell me more about what kind of things will be shot, and also what type of room (size and shape) we're talking about: i.e. more auditorium with high ceiling, or 'classroom' with lower ceiling...

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