[Frameworks] Alex MacKenzie 16mm performance TONIGHT!

Cherry Kino cherrykinocinema at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 21 00:20:39 UTC 2013

Tonight - 16mm film performance 'Intertidal' by Alex MacKenzie, and 16mm film at Vantage Art Prize

** Hello!

I know, I know - no CK screenings for yonks and then 2 events on the same night! TONIGHT! (as in tonight, Thursday, 21st February!) Ah, well, it's like the buses isn't it - nothing for ages and then two come along at once! Why not come to both and make it a veritable cine extravaganza?!

Canadian analogue film artist Alex MacKenzie will be here in person, he and his partner Clare, a musician, are lovely and brilliant people doing very interesting things. They live in Canada so it's a rare thing that they're here - the last time was in 2008 (with his hand-cranked 16mm projector!). The rayogram and handmade emulsion workshops I sometimes run are directly descended from Alex, so come talk to the chief!

1.) Alex MacKenzie's 16mm film performance 'INTERTIDAL' showing TONIGHT at Wharf Chambers in Leeds! 7.30pm doors, starts at 8pm prompt (finishes at 9pm). £3 (all money goes straight to the artist to part-cover travel!)

2.) My 16mm film installation 'NAIL ART' at the Vantage Art Prize at Leeds Valley Park, LS10 (number 110 bus from city centre gets you there!). 6pm - 10pm. Free.
See full info below!
x CK

** INTERTIDAL by Alex MacKenzie
16mm X 2 analytic, ~50-60 minutes, 2012
Inspired both by the work and thought of 1940s marine scientist Ed Ricketts and the technical approach of french filmmaker Jean Painleve in the same era, INTERTIDAL presents a submersive exploration of the tidal zones and marine life off the shores of Western Canada. Using both camera and non-camera approaches, this performance-based work presented on two analytic 16mm projectors speaks to the fragility of both the film medium and the marine environment explored. Travelling as far West as Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and North to the tip of Naikoon on Haida Gwaii, this route expessly emulates that which Ricketts and his close friend author John Steinbeck intended to revisit prior to Ricketts' untimely death in 1948. The scope and materiality of both emulsion and environment are explored using elements as wide ranging as photograms, alternative film chemistry, live manipulation, and the very movement of the tides themselves. At once personal, political, visual and
ecological, the work gives equal weight to representation and abstraction. A project of process through exploration, INTERTIDAL is a marine ecology for emulsion: teeming and tenuous, fleeting and alive.

** NAIL ART by Martha Jurksaitis (Cherry Kino)
16mm looped installation, 2013
'Nail Art' is a 16mm film made entirely using nail varnishes and nail stickers as my materials. It's a visceral response to the craze for nail art, and considers whether nail art is wholly at odds with female freedom, as an activity that requires maintaining a veneer at the cost of empowered physical action in the world, or whether it's a modern-day equivalent to patchwork and a piecing together of feminine community and the emergence of a fresh and active aesthetics. Nail varnish and filmmaking do have some parallels - both involve toxic chemicals coming into contact with lungs and hands, both contain organic substances (keratin / gelatine respectively), and both can be somewhat preserved through the use of a sealant (clear top-coat / film guard). I chose to make my film on 16mm Ektachrome, a film stock now discontinued and considered perhaps 'dead'. The film you see is the original, which I processed with my hands, and which will progressively become more and more worn by
the projector as it loops again and again. I won't try to 'patch up' my film (or nails). I will let it gloriously scratch and wear off through being well and truly used. Nothing is pristine. Underneath their attractive coatings, nails are full of bacteria and dirt. My film is living and dying at the same time, perpetually moving. Nails keep growing after death. Is the same true for analogue film?

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