[Frameworks] reversed River Rites

Beebe, Roger W. beebe.77 at osu.edu
Sun Jul 19 19:00:04 UTC 2015


I assume most of you have, at this point, seen Ben Russell’s River Rites.  I just watched it an additional three times over the past few weeks as part of a show that I presented in Warsaw, Istanbul, and Paris.  As many times as I’ve watched it now, I continued to be confused about how the original action was choreographed, before being reversed in post.  Since I had the file with me, I knew it’d be easy enough to throw it into Premiere and re-reverse it, restoring the original motion to the film.  With Ben’s blessing (after the fact), I went ahead and did it and have posted it to Vimeo.  I do think it’s helped me learn a little something about the film, and I think the end (the former start) is actually pretty poignant in this newly flipped version.  I also reversed the sound and titles as well, although Ben tells me there was some work on the original sound that won’t be revealed in my “righting” of the finished audio.  I took the liberty of retitling this re-reversal too, which maybe means I think this is more than a footnote to the original.  In any case, I do think it only works in palimpsestic relation to Ben’s film, so if you haven’t yet seen River Rites, check that out first here:


And the re-reversed version can be found on my Vimeo channel, for the moment with a password, here:

pw:  brrb

So, yes, an odd thing.  I’d be curious to hear any reactions you have.


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