[Frameworks] seeking hi-con, hand-processible B&W 16mm & 35mm stock

Pip Chodorov frameworks at re-voir.com
Fri Jun 26 14:32:34 UTC 2015

We are trying to organize a group purchase of Hi-Con.
If you are interested, read below and write to Richard.
-Pip Chodorov
PS Just curious, how many students are you teaching? I teach an 
experimental production course but with 52 students it became an 
experimental film history course.

At 11:55 +1000 16/06/15, richard at nanolab.com.au wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am wanting to try to organise a special order of 7363.  It is possible,
>but the minimum order is 380 x 400' rolls.  This stock keeps in a
>refrigerator for years and years.  I've used it well over a decade old and
>it has been effectively like new.
>Anyway, it will want to sell in boxes of 5 x 400' rolls.  Need to find
>buyers for 76 or so such boxes.  The transaction with Kodak needs to be
>one payer and one delivery address.  That address will be in the United
>States.   The price suggested by Kodak so far is US$130 per tin, which is
>high.  But it is Hi-con and it is beautiful.
>So, please consider being a part of this a buying some for your film
>fridge.  I suspect it is a very rare opportunity to get some of this film
>stock.  I doubt Kodak will coat more when their current master rolls are
>finished.  Buy some for the future!
>Please let me know how many boxes you want!
>Email me directly if you like:  richard at nanolab.com.au

At 10:03 -0400 26/06/15, Devon D wrote:
>I'm teaching experimental animation at Evergreen next month, seeking 
>B&W film stock substitutes for 7363 - something hi-con, low-speed, 
>low-cost for doing photograms and contact printing and 
>hand-processing in trays / buckets. Hoping to find 1200-2000 ft each 
>in 16mm and 35mm B&W. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!

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