[Frameworks] Super 8 to 35mm blowup?

Amanda Christie amanda at amandadawnchristie.ca
Wed Mar 18 12:25:03 UTC 2015

I was just at the National Archives of Canada Preservation Centre this week, and they have AMAZING optical blow up facilities.
they have all the gates (not just regular 8, super8, 16mm, super 16mm, and 35mm, but also 9mm, 9.5 mm, and 28 mm). As well as a contact printer and their own lab.

Sadly, their facilities can't be accessed by the public, it's only for working with their own archives and the collection... and double-plus sadly there is not a lot of support for acquiring art or experimental films.... hopefully that will change soon.... currently most of the films they acquire are anything produced through Telefilm Canada or the Canadian Media Fund, because there are infrastructures in place for all works made through those programs to be automatically acquired by the National Archives... however, there are currently no infrastructures in place or policies for regularly acquiring independent or experimental films... they do have some... but it's apparently, convincing them to acquire the works can be tricky.

But at least those facilities exist!
They also have a few rooms full of intercines (including one that was modified to do 9mm and 28mm)... all of their gear is super clean and in working order.

Amanda Dawn Christie
amanda at amandadawnchristie.ca

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