[Frameworks] Lis Rhodes? Dynamo Dresden fan? + synch?

John Muse jmuse at sonic.net
Wed Feb 24 22:02:09 UTC 2016

Can anyone motivate the title of Lis Rhodes' Dynamo Dresden?  Or is she a fan of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamo_Dresden ?

I was hoping that either the Letratone or the clear leader was manufactured in Dresden.

And she claims that the optical track and the visual track are the same, but it looks like (and sounds like) she offset the optical track (26 frames ahead) so that there would visual and acoustic synch, even though she fabricated the optical track and the visual track in one go.  If you go to http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern-tanks/display/lis-rhodes-light-music and scroll down to the video, you'll see at 51" prints of the film strip.  Right?  Wrong?



john muse
visiting assistant professor of independent college programs
haverford college


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