[Frameworks] 16 mm eiki hacked

FCO. JAVIER HURTADO MOMPEO xhurtado at ub.edu
Sat May 21 20:20:43 UTC 2016

Hey colin, Ryder and Chris
thanks for your interest I´m no sure If I can help you

in this project we are changing too the variable frame rate control, first we got to control the main motor electronically and then through a microcontroller (Arduino) with any digital data (called sound input or text or whatever... is a matter of programing. Although... in concret we only use frequency and volume input to control the frame rate). The program we are using to control the electronics now is PD, before (in the past prototype) was Max.

About frame rate controlling and motors

In this project After controlling the main motor with a new DC motor which controls the frame rate, we transform the shutter (we put two), we controlled the shutters through two DC motors and we changed the lamp (the halogen lamp by a new Power led lamp) following the same idea, first make the electronics the best we know and then using a good program to control it.

In the first prototype (the one we did before the one I make you know week ago) we get to control the Frame Rate too from 0 (stop, so ...as we use the halogen lamp (in that project) if the lamp was hot use to burn the film frame...) till more sor less double speed. That was made using the original motor. The original motors of the EIKIS use too be AC motors (in fact can be said that EIKIS have two motors (or two coils), one is to start the main motor)
We get to control very fine the AC motor trough a lot of strong Capacitors and transistors, we had to put them in an isolated box outside the proyector because the size and the magnetic noise. Still works fine this prototype

But we decided for this new project to put a new DC Board controlled motor (with a strong torque (power)) and finally works okay but has power problems (not enough torque) for working fine at frame rates below 3 frames per second. So we have decide for the next prototype to work with another or stronger board controlled DC motor (with are expensive) or perhaps with a step motor.
when you said brushless motor you are thinking in a step motor?

we are using too dc board controlled motors (in fact recycled form a digital scanner, good brand motors of course) for the shutter control, but we got the same problem... at a low speeds (which I find that are the most dramatic in terms of visual effects, so the most desirable) work not fine as we want

conclusion... we think is better to work with strep motors able to work at the needs speed and at low speeds
(we will do that inn the next prototype)

About the lamp
the first power led we use was made in China and the lumens announced on the paper manufacturer were wrong
we chance to another more well know manufacturer.
The think is that if one wants the max power (as me) there are two problems
-the size of the optics (which probably will not fit on the EIKI space for the lamp and will not project the light in the middle of the hole obturation)
-around the power...
 lower the hot with heat skins.. also a matter of space
Another source power depending on the power needs of the lamp

About using leds for a transfer machine I think that is what some people is doing!... for that you don't need strong power led which is my problem ...you can use lower power led... because you have the lens of a digital camera very closed to the film frame of the reel (as in an optical printer the camera is closed to the frame...? I´m wrong..?)

her are a lot led manufacturers Im not sure the ones you have in the US.
I will send you next week  the brands we use in motors and leds

De: FrameWorks [frameworks-bounces at jonasmekasfilms.com] en nom de Colin Brant [colinsbrant at gmail.com]
Enviat el: dijous, 19 / maig / 2016 01:22
Per a: Experimental Film Discussion List
Tema: Re: [Frameworks] 16 mm eiki hacked

Hi Xavi,

Thanks for sharing this. I am interested in doing a similar conversion, but would also like to create variable frame rate control (which would probably involve a brushless motor?). If possible, I'd be interested to see your parts list for a better understanding this modification. Does the original lamp housing fit back in place?

Thanks for posting!

On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 11:52 AM, FCO. JAVIER HURTADO MOMPEO <xhurtado at ub.edu<mailto:xhurtado at ub.edu>> wrote:
hello everybody
here some pictures
one power led instead of the halogen EIKI lamp (same power and one can turn it on and off fast)
and I think that there can be seen the two shutters in the background (motor controlled)
its a hacked eiki slim line proyector
will upload a video when finish the prototype

(I would not want to bother anybody, I´m not a filmmaker my field is video and new technologies but I find these research I´m doing call "Machines of the visible" closed of some of your research works.. so I will keep on uploading information for if somebody is interested... thanks for your time)


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