[Frameworks] 40 years of VHS - short video recommendations?

Gutenko, Gregory GutenkoG at umkc.edu
Tue Sep 13 15:32:05 UTC 2016

Here's another video generational loss work (a shortened version of an hour plus original from the 80s)  https://vimeo.com/120837225

From: FrameWorks [frameworks-bounces at jonasmekasfilms.com] on behalf of FCO. JAVIER HURTADO MOMPEO [xhurtado at ub.edu]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 4:57 PM
To: richard at ashrowan.com; Experimental Film Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] 40 years of VHS - short video recommendations?

(Dis)integrator from Juha Van Ingen perhaps is more about video signal decay but pertinently related to vhs.

Works from George kuchar like "Nirvana of the Nebbisites" make me think too in vhs montage universe

Dance of death from Ron Rocheleau

from keith Sanborn The Artwork in the Age of Its Mechanical Reproducibility by Walter Benjamin as told to Keith Sanborn by Jayne Austen © 1936<http://www.desorg.org/titols/the-artwork-in-the-age-of-its-mechanical-reproducibility-by-walter-benjamin-a/>
(vhs copyright ads)


De: FrameWorks [frameworks-bounces at jonasmekasfilms.com] en nom de Richard Ashrowan [richard at ashrowan.com]
Enviat el: dilluns, 12 / setembre / 2016 18:27
Per a: frameworks at jonasmekasfilms.com
Tema: [Frameworks] 40 years of VHS - short video recommendations?

40 years of experimental VHS.

We're working on a programme of shorts, aiming to celebrate the 40th anniversary of VHS. I would love to hear some recommendations for both early canonical and more recent works that deal in specific and contrasting ways with the experimental possibilities of the medium.

I do appreciate that this question is too big, for a 90m screening, and a bit like asking if anyone knows any good experimental films...  but if anyone feels like suggesting a few starting points, it would be most appreciated.

Very best,

Richard Ashrowan
Alchemy: www.alchemyfilmfestival.org.uk<http://www.alchemyfilmfestival.org.uk>

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