[Frameworks] Gerry Fialka is going to Michigan! (3/17-3/30)

Will Erokan williebenign at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 19:37:36 UTC 2017

Please spread the word on my film events in Michigan. Hope to see you. Info

3-17=Grand Rapids, 3-19=Hamtramck, 3-20=FIA in Flint, 3-23=Ann Arbor Film
Festival, 3-28= Saginaw, 3-29=Wayne State, 3-30=Crazy Wisdom in Ann Arbor

Thanks, Gerry Fialka 310 306 7330 <(310)%20306-7330>
*pfsuzy at aol.com <pfsuzy at aol.com>*

*http://laughtears.com/ <http://laughtears.com/%C2%A0%C2%A0EVENTS> *Bio -

*FRIDAY,  MARCH 17 from 8pm* =* Gerry Fialka (in person) -*
*ART SALON - *Gerry Fialka's fun interactive workshop probes the function
of art (painting, film, literature), and the motives of its makers. Explore
the hidden psychic effects of the environments resulting from art-making
and art-viewing. This gathering evokes the word "salon," meaning "to
consciously follow Horace's definition of poetry's aim: 'to please and to
educate.'" Delve deep into the artist as "probe" and "antennae of the
race." What role does intention play in the creative process?  With
rare film clips (including SNEEK PREVIEW OF RIAtoo) and fiery discussion at
The Pickle Fort, 1141 Hermitage SE, Grand Rapids MI 49506, 616-752-8381,
free admission, donations appreciated

*SUNDAY, March 19* at 5pm (potluck) till late = *Gerry Fialka (in person) -*
*POLITICAL FILM & ART SALON - At 6pm - *Gerry Fialka's fun interactive
workshop probes the function of political art (painting, film, literature),
and the motives of its makers. Explore the hidden psychic effects of the
environments resulting from art-making and art-viewing. This gathering
evokes the word "salon," meaning "to consciously follow Horace's definition
of poetry's aim: 'to please and to educate.'" Delve deep into the artist as
"probe" and "antennae of the race." What role does intention play in the
creative process?  With rare film clips and fiery discussion in Hamtramck
at Bill Meyer's, free, 6pm potluck, 7pm discussion & film - at 3016
Trowbridge, Hamtramck, MI 48212   (313) 207-3904  www.OneHamtramck.org
<http://www.onehamtramck.org/>  *AT 7pm=* *Lo and Behold, Reveries of the
Connected World* (2016, 98 minutes) Werner Herz
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Herzog>og ponders the existential
impact of the Internet, robotics, AI
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence>, the Internet of
Things <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things>, and more on
human life  *AT 8:30=AKA DOC POMUS*. (2013, 98 minutes) Paralyzed with
polio as a child, Jerome Felder reinvented himself first as Doc Pomus,
first as a blues singer and then as one of American popular music’s
greatest songwriters. “Save the Last Dance for Me” and “This Magic Moment”
are among his many hits.

*MONDAY March 20* Gerry talks with students at The Flint Institute of Arts
at 6pm

* Thurs, March 23* Gerry Fialka's Pecha Kucha 6 minute presentation at the
Ann Arbor Film Festival http://www.aafilmfest.org/ at 3pm at North Quad
Bldg. Space 2435 at 105 S State St AA

*Tuesday March 28* Gerry talks with students at Mike Mosher's SVSU class
at 4pm

*Wed March 29* Gerry Fialka's interactive workshop - Art As Activism -
Marilyn Zimmerwoman & Wayne State at 6:30pm - 9pm, location TBA, free and
open to the public

*Thursday, MARCH 30 from 6pm - 9pm = Political Poetry as James Joyce &
Marshall McLuhan* at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore 114 S. Main St. Ann Arbor MI
48104 734-665-2757, free admission crazywisdom.net
<http://crazywisdom.net/> Gerry
Fialka leads an interactive and expansive discussion, including local
poets. Delve deep into current issues & events via new questions. What's
the difference between rights & responsibilities? Revolution & rebellion?
Fialka will interconnect James Joyce's *Finnegans Wake* and Marshall
McLuhan's *Understanding Media* with poetry and politics. "World War III
will be a global information war with no division between civilian and
military participation." And "The police state is now a work of art."
And "Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by
public incredulity.” - McLuhan.  "It is a curious thing how your mind is
supersaturated with the religion in which you say you disbelieve."

*Gerry Fialka* - Artist, writer, and paramedia ecologist lectures
world-wide on experimental film, avant-garde art and subversive social
media. Fialka has been praised by the *Los Angeles Times* as "the
multi-media Renaissance man." *The LA Weekly* proclaimed him "a cultural
revolutionary." Laughtears.com

Consider these axioms:

“The pressure of experimentation is greater than the fear of embarrassment.
That is the essence of art.” - Wolfgang Tillmans

"The artists that I'm interested in are the ones that make a picture of the
times they live in....The eye always craves what it doesn't see." - Marilyn

"Art is confession; art is the secret told. . . . But art is not only the
desire to tell one's secret; it is the desire to tell it and hide it at the
same time. And the secret is nothing more than the whole drama of the inner
life." -Thornton Wilder.

"The artists of our culture, 'the antennae of the race,' had tuned in to
the new ground and begun exploring discontinuity and simultaneity." -

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde

What is art about, and then what is it really about? Delve deep into the
artist as "probe" and "antennae of the race." What role does intention play
in the creative process? Marcel Duchamp said there is no art without an
audience. What role does the audience play in the creative process (during
the making)? What was the motive of the cave artists? James Joyce was the
first projectionist in Dublin over 100 years ago. He abandoned it and
asked, "Why should I go inside a building and see a movie of a tree when I
can go outside and see a real tree?" Years later William Faulkner said that
the best fiction can be more true than journalism. Why do we have to
recreate/reproduce things in order to get them? Why do we go to a
theatrical play of people acting out life? Why don't we just live life?
McLuhan and Warhol both said that art is anything you can get away with.
Examine the interconnections between "art for art's sake" and "the medium
is the message/massage."

Gerry's related articles:
New OtherZine article http://www.othercinema.com/otherzine/wannabe-jujitsu/
Breeding Brakhage http://laughtears.com/bestbrakhage.html

"Just what would be the fate of wars and disasters without “coverage” could
be considered a meaningless question, since the coverage itself is not only
an increase of the violence but an incentive to the same. The power-starved
person can easily see himself getting top coverage if he is involved in a
sufficiently outrageous act of hijacking or mayhem. The older pattern of
success story by achievement simply takes too long to be practical at
electric speeds. Why not make the news instead of a life?  The close
relation between sex and violence, between good news and bad news, helps to
explain the compulsion of the admen to dunk all their products in sex by
erogenizing every contour of every bottle or cigarette. Having reached this
happy state where the good news is fairly popping, the admen say, as it
were: “Better add a bit of the bad news now to take the hex off all that
bonanza stuff.” Let’s remind them that LOVE, replayed in reverse, is
EVOL—transposing into EVIL and VILE. LIVE spells backward into EVIL, while
EROS reverses into SORE. And, we should never forget the SIN in SINCERE or
the CON in CONFIDENCE. Let’s tighten up the slack sentimentality of this
goo with something gutsy and grim. As Zeus said to Narcissus: 'Watch
yourself.'" -McLuhanhttp://goo.gl/zTqhfZ
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