[Frameworks] This week [March 7 - 15, 2020] in avant garde cinema

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Sun Mar 8 16:14:01 UTC 2020




This week
[March 7-15, 2020]
in avant garde cinema

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Enrique Rosas's El Automovil Gris [March 7, Brooklyn, NY United States] 

An Evening With Jane Wodening [March 8, Los Angeles, California] 

Light Field 2020 - Program 1 [March 13, San Francisco, CA United States] 

You Are Now Facing A Crack In A Stone - Carte Blanche Au Collectif Jeune Cinema [March 13, Lille, France] 

Shapeshifters Presents Tommy Becker W/Steev Hise &Amp; Jon Leidecker [March 14, Oakland, CA United States] 

Engauge Experimental Film Festival (Seattle, WA, USA; Deadline: July 01, 2020)
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25 FPS Festival (Zagreb, Croatia; Deadline: May 31, 2020)
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7th Annual Flamingo Film Festival (Fort Lauderdale, FL USA; Deadline: March 21, 2020)
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Laterale Film Festival (Cosenza, Italy; Deadline: March 31, 2020)
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Braziers International Film Festival (Oxfordshire, UK; Deadline: April 05, 2020)
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Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival (United Kingdom; Deadline: April 06, 2020)
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Fracto Experimental Film Encounter (Berlin, Germany; Deadline: April 01, 2020)
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7th Annual Flamingo Film Festival (Fort Lauderdale, FL USA; Deadline: March 21, 2020)
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Events are sorted alphabetically BY CITY within each DATE.

This week's programs (summary):

*	Enrique Rosas's El Automovil Gris [March 7, Brooklyn, NY United States]
*	16mm Restorations [March 7, San Francisco]
*	Live Performance of Reflektorische Farblichtspiele By Kurt Schwerdtfeger [March 8, Brooklyn, New York]
*	An Evening With Jane Wodening [March 8, Los Angeles, California]
*	Your Eyes Are Spectral Machines � Live Projection Performance By Luis Mac�As [March 10, Los Angeles, California]
*	Retracted Cinema [March 12, Barcelona, Spain]
*	Evening Hours [March 12, Brooklyn, NY United States]
*	Pattern In Contemporary Film [March 12, Los Angeles, California]
*	I Hate the Internet: Techno-Dystopian Malaise [March 12, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	You Are Now Facing A Crack In A Stone - Carte Blanche Au Collectif Jeune Cinema [March 13, Lille, France]
*	Visions : Aaron Zeghers & Lewis Bennett [March 13, Montr�al]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 1 [March 13, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 2 [March 13, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Kerry Laitala Electrophotographs - Artist Reception [March 14, Oakland, CA United States]
*	Shapeshifters Presents Tommy Becker W/Steev Hise &Amp; Jon Leidecker [March 14, Oakland, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 3 [March 14, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 4 [March 14, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 5 [March 14, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Visionary Experience [March 14, San Francisco]
*	Valency and Variations [March 15, Barcelona, Spain]
*	The Black Maria Film Festival Presents the "#1 Bus Chronicles" By Documentarist, Joel Katz [March 15, Hoboken, NJ]
*	Disarm the Right To violence!: Recent Mexican Experimental Short Films [March 15, Los Angeles, California]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 6 [March 15, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 7 [March 15, San Francisco, CA United States]
*	Light Field 2020 - Program 8 [March 15, San Francisco, CA United States]


Brooklyn, NY United States: Light Industry
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3:00 PM, 155 Freeman St
El autom�vil gris, Enrique Rosas, 1919, digital projection, 224 mins A landmark of early Mexican cinema, Enrique Rosas�s El autom�vil gris follows the notorious true-life story of the Gray Automobile Gang, a band of criminals who robbed and terrorized wealthy residents of Mexico City during the chaotic aftermath of the Revolution, gaining access to their homes by posing as soldiers with search warrants, then driving away with their jewels and cash in a gray Fiat. Rosas, who began his career as a newsreel cinematographer, based the screenplay on contemporary newspaper accounts and police casebooks, and shot many events in their actual locations. Professionals performed alongside non-actors throughout�the police chief in charge of the investigation, for instance, played himself�and in the final scene Rosas inserted his own 1915 footage of the real gang�s execution by firing squad. Beyond its remarkable mingling of fact and fiction, El autom�vil gris is also renowned for its formal innovations, which advanced the development of Mexican narrative filmmaking and anticipated the Cine de Ora era that would begin in the 1930s. As historian Charles Ram�rez Berg notes, Rosas�s epic is articulated in a distinctive visual style, combining the nascent strategies of Hollywood with a range of other influences: �penny press illustrations, early documentary reportage, the melodramatic strain of Italian cinema, the vitality of Feuillade�s French crime serials.� El autom�vil gris was first released as a twelve-episode cycle, and remained popular into the sound era; Rosas�s heirs even recut the film into feature-length versions in the 1930s, adding spoken dialog and sound effects. While these abridgments helped make Rosas�s work one of the most widely-seen Mexican films of all time, the process effectively destroyed El autom�vil gris�s initial design. In 2018, after years of tracking down lost elements and reconstructing the montage, Mexico�s Cineteca Nacional completed an ambitious digital restoration of the 1919 original. This afternoon at Light Industry will be its New York debut.

San Francisco: Other Cinema
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8:30 PM, 992 Valencia St
In the first of three Incredibly Strange Music programs, Renaissance man Peter Conheim proudly premieres Ears, Eyes, and Throats, 1976-1981, an hour of 16mm punk shorts that he has personally restored! Among the revivals: Liz Keim's (in person) finally-fixed In the Red, on Mabuhay's heydays, Devo's Satisfaction and De-Evolution, Residents rarities Hello Skinny and Third Reich and Roll, and Richard Gaikowski's now-legendary Deaf/Punk and Moody Teenager. PLUS other pop-surreal Graeme Whifler vehicles for MX-80 Sound and Renaldo and the Loaf. ALSO the Dead Kennedys/Western Front chapter from Iggy Pop's own Punk omnibus, Stephanie Beroes' raw roll of the Avengers in action, and a glitchy glimpse of The Residents in 1971. *$9


Brooklyn, New York: Microscope Gallery
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7:30pm, 1329. Willoughby Ave
Performed by Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Genevieve HK, Ray Sweeten, Stephanie Wuertz A live performance of Kurt Schwerdtfetger�s �Reflektorishe Farblichtspiele (Reflecting Color-Light-Play)� (1922/66) in connection with a solo exhibition of the work at the gallery through March 22nd. The work was first performed at the home of Wassily Kandinsky in 1922 as part of the Bauhaus lantern festival when Schwerdtfeger was a 25-year old student. The piece - which consists of up to five movements, or �S�tze� including: �Vegetativ Form,� �Bauhaus 1922,� �Streifen und Gitter� (Stripes and Grids), �Rotes Quadrat� (Red Square), and �Hommage � Oskar Schlemmer� � utilizes a large hand-built cube projection apparatus in which performers activate stencil shapes and a switchboard of colored lights to form a complex, abstract light play appearing on its screen surface. The performance at the gallery features Tessa Hughes-Freeland on the keyboard-like light system; Genevieve HK and Stephanie Wuertz manipulating the stenciled shapes, and Ray Sweeten on live sound augmentations to the 1966 soundtracks by Wolfgang Roscher, as well as offering additional visual support.A Q&A with the performers will follow the performance. More info www.microscopegallery.com <http://www.microscopegallery.com> , info at microscopegallery.com <mailto:info at microscopegallery.com> . Admission $12, Members & Students $10. Jefferson L (exit Starr Street)

Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
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7:30 pm, Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.
Join us for a very special evening, a first for Los Angeles, a visit from the writer Jane Wodening, (formerly known as Jane Brakhage), featuring classic avant-garde films by Stan Brakhage, Barbara Hammer, Jonas Mekas, and new films by Nathaniel Dorsky and Mark Street! Tickets: $12 general; $8 students (with ID)/seniors; $8 for American Cinematheque members; free for Filmforum Members. Paid tickets available in advance through the American Cinematheque from Fandango at https://www.fandango.com/egyptian-theatre-hollywood-aaofx/theater-page?date=2020-03-08 or at the door. Filmforum member tickets available through Brown Paper Tickets or at the door. Cat's Cradle, by Stan Brakhage; An excerpt from Walden, by Jonas Mekas; Hymn to Her, by Stan Brakhage; Jane Brakhage, by Barbara Hammer; Creation, by Stan Brakhage; Apricity, by Nathaniel Dorsky


Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
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8:00 pm, Echo Park Film Center, 1200 N. Alvarado St.
The Spanish artist/filmmaker Luis Mac�as kicks off a North American tour in Los Angeles, with three live projection performances involving 16mm, 35mm and slide projectors. Macias is a co-founder of Crater Lab http://crater-lab.org/ , an independent film development laboratory in Barcelona. He is an image recycler who specializes in experimental cinema. His artistic concerns focus on the physical work on film, film recycling and re-invention of new relationships between moving images. "The eyes empty and the pupils burning of rage and desire" 2 x 16mm projectors, Silent, color-b&w, 25 min.; "The Kiss" 35mm (screening in video HD), sound, b/w, 9 min.; "Spectral Landscape" (3 x 35mm slide projectors, silent, color-b&w, 25 min.) Tickets: $12 general; $8 students (with ID)/seniors; free for Filmforum Members. available through Brown Paper Tickets at https://luismacias.bpt.me or at the door.


Barcelona, Spain: Xcentric Cinema
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19:30, CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona)
This programme of �retracted cinema� poses a contrast with the expansionist, annexational logic of expanded cinema by presenting works that fold found or archival footage back on itself in the manner of a conceptual origami. The artists use algorithms to perform these re-edits that embody a politics and aesthetics of the non-orientable surface. 17-17,�Gonzalo Egurza, Argentina, 2017, 5:10,�Home Movie Holes,�Albert Alcoz, Spain, 2009, 3:00;�Psycho 60/98,�Blanca Rego, Spain, 2016, 6:30;�Happy Again,�Gregg Biermann, USA, 2006, 5:10;��Que es lo que ves, YOLO9000?,�Estampa, Spain, 3:00;�Naturalezas muertas (en seis movimientos),�Vitor Magalhaes, Portugal, 2019-20, (2nd version), 8:39;�Floating Point, Peter Freund, USA, 2020, 6:00;�Optical De-dramatization Engine, Barbara Lattanzi, USA, 2015, 5:00;�Torvix, Eloi Puig, Spain, 2011-Present, 5:00;�Lost Footage, Kuku Sabzi, USA, 2020, TBD. Digital projection. Copies and software courtesy of the artists. A programme by Peter Freund.

Brooklyn, NY United States: UnionDocs
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7:30 PM, 322 Union Ave
UnionDocscs is thrilled to host Talena Sanders to explore themes of longing and performative desire in a program of short films from her practice and sphere of influence. Talena Sanders makes films that explore individual and collective senses of identity. From essay films to diaristic personal work, her films weave together disparate audiovisual source materials to dig into the complexity of lived and shared experiences. Alongside her work, Sanders has chosen a selection of short films that shift between self-presentation and considering how one is seen by a lover and by the wider world. The program includes historical queer films created by Bay Area film artists that trace a lineage for a project she is currently developing. These works are screened in dialogue with contemporary works that plumb the depths of depicting desire, sensuality, and longing. This event is co-presented with the Museum of the Moving Image as part of their First Look Festival. Between My Flesh and the World’s Fingers Dir. Talena Sanders. 2018, 31 mins. Inspired by queer proto-feminist turn of the century writer Mary MacLane, director Talena Sanders creates a dreamy, incantatory essay film. A tactile collage of MacLane’s still bold diary entries, archival material, recreation, and contemporary landscape photography of MacLane’s Butte, Montana, the film melds past and present, biography and autobiography, iconoclasm and experimentalism. Between My Flesh and the World’s Fingers [Dir. Talena Sanders. 2018, 31min.] Reasonable Watchfulness [Dir. Talena Sanders. 2018, 7min.] Talena Sanders is a filmmaker and interdisciplinary artist. She received her M.F.A. in Experimental and Documentary Arts from Duke University. Her work has been screened, exhibited and collected internationally, including at New York Film Festival’s Views from the Avant-Garde, Marseille Festival of Documentary Film (FID Marseille), Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM), Viennale, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Play-Doc Tui and Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art. She is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies and Director of the Film Studies program at Sonoma State University.

Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
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7:00 pm, MOCA Grand Avenue, Ahmanson Theater, 250 S. Grand Ave.,
Inspired by the exhibition With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art 1972-1985, Pattern in Contemporary Film investigates the way pattern, decoration, and typically-domestic subject matter is used as material in contemporary film and digital media. This group show includes work by Charles Woodman, Brian O�Connell, the Maternal Fantasies artist collective, and Jodie Mack. In Pulse Generator Pastry, Charles Woodman, son of the artist Betty Woodman, repurposes patterns she prepared for ceramic sculptures as subjects for animation. The animation was deployed as an �attractor�, set up outside a 2016 gallery show of her work. Sculptor Brian O�Connell uses existing patterns � cycles of the moon and sun, chapter headings in an Italo Calvino book � to lend form and color to his 16mm film Palomar. Maternal Fantasies, a nine-person German collective, produces tableaux vivants; based on classical or artwork references, these images are completely reconstituted to render a contemporary, poetic account of motherhood and care, �freed from the corset of generalization.� Finally, filmmaker Jodie Mack depicts an abstract landscape using trinkets and costume jewelry in her film Something Between Us. Tickets: : $15 general; $10 for seniors; $8 for students with ID; free for Filmforum and MOCA members. Available in advance from Brown Paper Tickets or at the door

San Francisco, CA United States: San Francisco Cinematheque
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7:30 PM, 701 Mission St
Tickets available soon! Zach Blas’ Contra-Internet: Jubilee 2033 (2018) audaciously re-imagines scenes from Derek Jarman’s 1978 queer punk masterpiece Jubilee, replacing Jarman’s vision of a deliriously devastated Britain with one of Silicon Valley in flames. In Blas’ take on Jarman’s allegory, the acid-tripping trio of Ayn Rand (played by underground icon Susanne Sachsse), Alan Greenspan and painter Joan Mitchell bear witness to the internet’s end. As Apple, Facebook and Google campuses burn, techies, hackers and wannabes alike are made to pay for their complicity, and disembodied avatars—including a “contra-sexual, contra-internet prophet” portrayed by performance artist Cassils—present histories of techno-surveillance and enact purgative gestures of erotic rebellion. This screening of Blas’ Jubilee 2033 is accompanied by a quartet of works similarly examining themes of techno-dysphoria and which consider the relevance of emotion and subjectivity in an increasingly mediated and chillingly trans-humanist culture. Jesse McLean’s The Invisible World (2012) catalogs the video genres of Web 2.0—notably YouTube “Haul” and “Unpacking” videos—while considering our attachments to our objects and our bodies in an increasingly dematerialized social landscape. Mike Hoolboom’s Instructions for Robots (2019) considers the interior lives and sexualities of a cadre of emotion-laden robots exploring avant-garde filmmaking in a Cuban art school. Peter Burr’s Drop City (2019)—named for Colorado’s famed (and failed) early counter-cultural art commune—presents a looping landscape of electronic melancholy while continuing his exploration of contemporary video game aesthetics. Opening this program of 21st Century despair is James Duesing’s 1990 work of computer animation Maxwell’s Demon, an uncannily resonant missive from the internet’s early daze. (Steve Polta)

FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020

Lille, France: Collectif Jeune Cinema
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8:30 PM, L'hybride, 18 rue Gosselet, 59000
Films by Diana Vidrascu, Shambhavi Kaul, Salom� Lamas, Nour Ouayda. L'hybride invites Collectif Jeune Cin�ma for a special screening in Lille. Artist and curator Stefano Miraglia picks four films from the Collectif Jeune Cin�ma catalogue. Three landscape explorations plus a museum visit. Landscape as a device that activates memory (Volcano: What Does a Lake Dream? by Diana Vidrascu), as a personal challenge (Encounters with Landscapes by Salom� Lamas) or as collage material (Shambhavi Kaul's Night Noon and again Vidrascu's Volcano). The program ends with the exploration of a museum, Nour Ouayda's Towards the sun, winner of last year's Festival des Cin�mas Diff�rents et Exp�rimentaux de Paris. Founded in 1971, Collectif Jeune Cin�ma promotes visual experimental practices by distributing experimental films, hosting regular monthly screenings and a festival (FCDEP). CJC's catalogue includes more than 1400 films from more than 400 artists. Stefano Miraglia is an artist and curator based in Paris. He is the founder of Movimcat / The Moving Image Catalog. His films are distributed by CJC.

Montr�al: VISIONS
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20H, 7080 Rue Alexandra
VISIONS en collaboration avec La lumi�re collective pr�sente : AARON ZEGHERS & LEWIS BENNETT - En pr�sence du cin�aste | Filmmaker Present Projection SD & HD Doors 19H - Programme: DANNY 2019 / SD / sound / colour / 50' 0 MEMOIRS Aaron Zeghers | 2019 | 16mm | 10' 00

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
7:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 1 curated by Samuel Breslin Friday, March 13, 2020 @ 7pm (doors 6:30) Total running time: 54 minutes $6 - 10 sliding scale - tickets available at the door Advance festival passes available for purchase through The Lab for $50 here: https://withfriends.co/event/3994239 Resonant Being Briana Marela Lizárraga and Joel Skavdahl 2020 | 10 minutes | USA | 16mm direct animation and live sound performance Oh My Homeland Stephanie Barber 2019 | 4 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound How A Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather Anna Kipervaser 2019 | 8 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | silent RUN! Malic Amalya 2019 | 10 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Close-At-Hand Sarah Hanssen 2001 | 4 minutes | USA | 16mm | b&w | sound Film digitalia, profile picture, No. 8 Matt Whitman 2019 | 4 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Kitchen Beets Bea Haut 2019 | 1 minute | UK | 16mm | b&w | sound IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE SEXY! / Sexy hätte das nicht sein sollen Claudia Siefen-Leitich 2019 | 2 minutes | Austria | 16mm | b&w & color | silent Catalog Stephanie Barber 2005 | 11 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
9:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 2 curated by tooth 26 Pulse Wrought - (Film for Rewinds) Vol. I Windows for Recursive Triangulation Andrew Busti 2015 | 3 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Metric Film Federico Lanchares 2017 | 3 minutes | 16mm | b&w | silent For Bucky Fuller Kioto Aoki 2019 | 3 minutes | USA | 16mm | b&w | silent Midnight Orange Gautam Valluri 2018 | 11 minutes | France/India | 16mm | color | sound I don’t think I can see an island Christopher Becks & Emmanuel Lefrant 2016 | 5 minutes | France/Italy | 35mm | color | sound Line of Apsides Julie Murray 2015 | 12 minutes | USA | 16mm | b&w & color | sound Spacy Takashi Ito 1981 | 9 minutes | Japan | 16mm | tinted b&w | sound Cypris Marcelle Thirache 1995 | 4 minutes | France | super 8 | tinted b&w | silent Jean Luc Nancy Antoinette Zwirchmayr 2018 | 5 minutes | Austria | 16mm | color | sound Tirgu Jiu Paul Sharits 1977 | 10 minutes | 16mm x 2 | color | sound


Oakland, CA United States: Shapeshifters Cinema
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6:00 PM, 567 5th St
Join us for an artist reception to celebrate Kerry Laitala's electrophotographs, which are currently on view in the front room at Shapeshifters Cinema. Residing at the intersection of science and superstition, belief and manifestation, these photographs explore the projection of meaning onto inanimate objects. For this body of work, she electrifies objects, ranging from vintage letterpress blocks to Mexican milagros (like the kind left at churches and other places of worship) with a high-voltage electromagnetic discharge. These are then placed directly onto photographic film to create an exposure without the use of a camera. The resulting images show the ghostly image of the object surrounded by its aura. http://www.kerrylaitala.com/ Stay after for “Emotions in Metal,” nine short works by Tommy Becker with special guests Jon Leidecker and Steev Hise. 8pm show time. https://facebook.com/events/s/shapeshifters-presents-tommy-b/2506163543033743/?ti=icl

Oakland, CA United States: Shapeshifters Cinema
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7:30 PM, 567 5th St
Admission is still (currently) free but donations are greatly appreciated. Tommy Becker returns to Shapeshifters to present "Emotions in Metal,” a twenty minute visual concept album that continues the artist's investigations into expanded storytelling using video, music, poetry, performance and computer-generated design. The nine short works link thematically in their investigations into human-vehicle relationships. Whether, acting out instructional poetry in the garage, documenting the interiors of strangers’ cars or celebrating art world connections to the road, the video work balances playful humor with a critical eye on where society is currently parked. Steev Hise and Jon Leidecker will open the show with a short 20-minute set titled "I WANT TO SAY" exploring the cybernetic possibilities of expanded cinema, special brains and motivated reasoning. http://shapeshifterscinema.com/

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
5:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 3 curated by Zachary Epcar Watching the Detectives Chris Kennedy 2017 | 37 minutes | Canada | 16mm | color | silent In Order Not To Be Here Deborah Stratman 2002 | 33 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
7:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 4 curated by Trisha Low . Zinn Stuart Moore 2018 | 3 minutes | Great Britain | 35mm | color | sound Stranger Baby Lana Lin 1995 | 14 minutes | USA | 16mm | b&w | sound Wasteland No. 2: Hardy, Hearty Jodie Mack 2019 | 7 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | silent Alpsee Matthias Müller 1994 | 14 minutes | Germany | 16mm | color | sound Durbaar Gautam Valluri 2019 | 9 minutes | France/India | 16mm | color | sound Tirana Eva Claus 2019 | 3 minutes | Belgium/Albania | 16mm | b&w | silent Something To Touch That Is Not Corruption Or Ashes Or Dust Mike Stoltz 2019 | 7 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
9:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 5 curated by Syd Staiti. A Preface to Red Jonathan Schwartz 2010 | 6 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Grabados del Ojo Nocturno Jean-Jacques Martinod 2016 | 7 minutes | Ecuador/Morocco | 16mm | b&w | sound ...And So We Start Again Ei Toshinari & Duy Nguyen 2019 | 9 minutes | Japan/USA | 35mm | color | sound ALTIPLANO Malena Szlam 2018 | 16 minutes | Chile/Argentina | 35mm | color | sound Something to Treasure Annapurna Kumar 2019 | 3 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Gutai Wenhua Shi 2019 | 8 minutes | China/USA | 16mm | color | sound (tourism studies) Joshua Gen Solondz 2019 | 8 minutes | USA | 35mm | color | sound The Island Leslie Supnet 2017 | 2 minutes | Canada | super 8 | b&w | sound

San Francisco: Other Cinema
 <https://hi-beam.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4e99825c1d97f8de6eaffad3&id=05f2ce157b&e=f36020cad0> http://www.othercinema.com/
8:30 PM, 992 Valencia St
Tonight's Incredibly Strange Musicians are none other than cult faves Million Brazilians, back again (last time as White Gourd) with their ecstatic jazzy/tribal/trance vibe. Birthed in Portland in the shadow of Smegma, and here tonight all the way from Maine, they perform in front of the NorCal premiere of their half-hour Urban Fossickated Octave. Their act is in the spirit of visionary architect and painter Paul Laffoley, whose works, as well as Alex Gray's, radiate from our screen. Guerneville guest Ryan Riehle is also on hand to further elucidate the Laffoley legend with conspiratorial tales of the eccentric's psychic netherworlds. CO-BILLED: Street savant Idaho Joe-Winslow--AKA Oakland's Moondog--with songs and music videos that point towards portals of astral travel. Josh Harper's UFO pre-show shall begin the ascent. *$9

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2020

Barcelona, Spain: Xcentric Cinema
 <https://hi-beam.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4e99825c1d97f8de6eaffad3&id=3c752a47dc&e=f36020cad0> http://xcentric.cccb.org/en/programas/fitxa/valency-and-variations/233156
18:30, CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona)
�Obscuritads� is a collective made up of three filmmakers: Scott Barley, Mikel Guillen and Sebastian Wiedemann. The methods they use in their work are very different, but they�re united by the radical nature of their intentions: their desire is to make the invisible visible. Intermission, Mikel Guillen, 2017, 9 min;�Hunter, Scott Barley, 2015, 14 min;�Obatala, Sebastian Wiedemann, 2019, 7 min;�Los (De)pendientes, Sebastian Wiedemann, 2016, 23 min;�Atonal, Mikel Guillen, 2019, 16 min;�Womb, Scott Barley, 2017, 16 min. All the films have been digitally filmed. Copies courtesy of the filmmakers. A programme by Miquel Escudero Di�guez.

Hoboken, NJ: Black Maria Film Festival
 <https://hi-beam.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4e99825c1d97f8de6eaffad3&id=a5e3f4aaec&e=f36020cad0> http://blackmaria.org
4:00PM, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., Hoboken, NJ
The 39th Annual Thomas Edison Black Maria Film Festival presents the Hoboken premiere of the �The #1 Bus Chronicles� by acclaimed documentary filmmaker, Joel Katz, who uses a bus stop on an industrial highway in NJ to portray some of the most marginalized lives in America today - the �working poor,� the recently incarcerated, and immigration asylum seekers. These strangers share their hopes and dreams, resiliency, suffering and loss. Joel Katz will be present for a Q&A with Festival Director Jane Steuerwald. Admission is free for students and teachers. Light refreshments will be served.

Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
 <https://hi-beam.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e4e99825c1d97f8de6eaffad3&id=838dc36127&e=f36020cad0> http://www.lafilmforum.org/
7:30 pm, Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.
In Person: Filmmaker Andrea Rodea! US Premieres! A selection of films produced between 2018-2020 in intensive filmmaking workshops at Catedra Ingmar Bergman and Filmoteca UNAM, in collaboration with DocsMX, led by Travis Wilkerson. The films open an impelling window into a dynamic, emerging Mexican avant-garde�at once deeply political, highly engaged, and formally stunning. Part monument, part call to action, these films confront pressing matters in Mexico: 1) the long history of horrific violence against students organizing for human and democratic rights; 2) the disproportionate direction of that violence against women�femicide. This group of films confronts these fraught subjects with poetic charge and lyrical hope. They don�t simply depict violence�they use a host of cinematic techniques to embody that violence. Tickets: $12 general; $8 students (with ID)/seniors; $8 for American Cinematheque members; free for Filmforum Members. Paid tickets available in advance through the American Cinematheque from Fandango at https://www.fandango.com/egyptian-theatre-hollywood-aaofx/theater-page?date=2020-03-15 or at the door. Filmforum member tickets available through Brown Paper Tickets at https://bpt.me/4529791 or at the door.

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
5:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 6 curated by Emily Chao Sunday, March 15, 2020 @ 5pm (doors 4:30) Total running time: 66 minutes $6 - 10 sliding scale - tickets available at the door Advance festival passes available for purchase through The Lab for $50 here: https://withfriends.co/event/3994239 Double Ghosts George Clark 2018 | 31 minutes | Chile/UK/Taiwan | 35mm | color | sound The House is Yet to be Built Sílvia das Fadas 2015-2018 | 35 minutes | USA/Portugal | 16mm | color | sound

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
7:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 7 curated by Patricia Ledesma Villon. An Architecture of Desire Sandra Davis 1988 | 15 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | silent Odds and Ends Jane Conger Belson Shimané 1959 | 4 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Standing Forward Full Alee Peoples 2019 | 6 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Locations Bruno Delgado Ramo 2019 | 7 minutes | Spain/Belgium | super 8 | color | sound Borgo Lucie Leszez 2019 | 4 minutes | France | 16mm | b&w | silent El mar peinó a la orilla Valentina Alvarado Matos 2019 | 3 minutes | Spain | super 8 | color | silent Fever Paula Froehle 1998 | 6 minutes | USA | 16mm | color | sound Amusement Ride Tomonari Nishikawa 2019 | 6 minutes | Japan | 16mm | color | sound Slow Volumes Mike Gibisser 2019 | 5 minutes | USA | 35mm | color | sound

San Francisco, CA United States: The Lab
9:00 PM, 2948 16th St
Program 8 curated by Light Field. Acts of Light by Bill Brand Part 1: Rate of Change 1972 | 18 minutes | USA | color | silent Part 2: Angular Momentum 1973 | 20 minutes | USA | color | sound Part 3: Circles of Confusion 1974 | 15 minutes | USA | color | sound THE EYES EMPTY AND THE PUPILS BURNING OF RAGE AND DESIRE Luis Macías 2018 | 20 minutes | Spain | 16mm | color | silent ______________________________________________________ Acts of Light Bill Brand Acts of Light is a trilogy consisting of Rate of Change, Angular Momentum, and Circles of Confusion. Together they develop a study of pure color based on the notion that film is essentially change and not motion. The films build one on the other as first pure change, then relational change, and finally, irrational change. They can be seen together or as separate works. - BB


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