[Frameworks] FW: New book: Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Tue Nov 3 16:46:41 CST 2020


I was going to reply to Roddy's idiotic post, even though I have 
generally tried to ignore him based on past experience, and thought 
better of it, but now you have (unintentionally) inspired me to enter.

Respectfully, I disagree with you. In fact, I would like to see more 
criticism of things posted to FrameWords. Someone posts a video that you 
dislike; tell us what's wrong with it. We are adults; we should be able 
to take it. But don't talk about it unless you view all of it, and with 

The problem instead is that Roddy posted a review of a book based on the 
first four pages. He seems to be proud of himself for having read four 
pages and formed an opinion based on them. The amount of irresponsible 
disrespect inherent in sending such a critique to, what is it, a 
thousand people who are serious about film in all parts of the world, is 
mind-boggling. Why would anyone be interested in his opinion of the 
first four pages. Roddy, books often start in one place and end up in 
another, as you ought to know if you have ever read any. I would never 
post an opinion on the first four minutes of a three hour video, or even 
the first two hours of it. Someone who would write a critique on the 
first four pages of a book sounds like someone who is only more 
interested in broadcasting their own thinking than in learning from others.

I have occasionally learned from books I disliked on topics that 
interested me, because the process of reading the whole thing becomes a 
process of finding out, through your own objections, what you think.

The distinction I am making is important to me. Read a whole book, and, 
if you disagree with it, construct an answer, a critique, an objection. 
That is showing respect. Commenting on the first four pages is not only 
disrespectful, but moronic.

Fred Camper

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