[Frameworks] FW: New book: Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices

Thomas Dexter thomas.dexter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 17:51:30 CST 2020

Good grief. Who will be king of the molehill? This is riveting stuff as

Kim - thank you for sharing your book and for helping to keep
analog/alternative/hybrid/experimental moving image work
something that can be seriously discussed.

I look forward to reading more than four pages...


On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 5:58 PM Bruce Cooper <brucecooper77 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Fred, don't put Chicago after your name  - you aren't worthy of that
> city.
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 5:48 PM Fred Camper <f at fredcamper.com> wrote:
>> Ryder,
>> I was going to reply to Roddy's idiotic post, even though I have
>> generally tried to ignore him based on past experience, and thought
>> better of it, but now you have (unintentionally) inspired me to enter.
>> Respectfully, I disagree with you. In fact, I would like to see more
>> criticism of things posted to FrameWords. Someone posts a video that you
>> dislike; tell us what's wrong with it. We are adults; we should be able
>> to take it. But don't talk about it unless you view all of it, and with
>> care.
>> The problem instead is that Roddy posted a review of a book based on the
>> first four pages. He seems to be proud of himself for having read four
>> pages and formed an opinion based on them. The amount of irresponsible
>> disrespect inherent in sending such a critique to, what is it, a
>> thousand people who are serious about film in all parts of the world, is
>> mind-boggling. Why would anyone be interested in his opinion of the
>> first four pages. Roddy, books often start in one place and end up in
>> another, as you ought to know if you have ever read any. I would never
>> post an opinion on the first four minutes of a three hour video, or even
>> the first two hours of it. Someone who would write a critique on the
>> first four pages of a book sounds like someone who is only more
>> interested in broadcasting their own thinking than in learning from
>> others.
>> I have occasionally learned from books I disliked on topics that
>> interested me, because the process of reading the whole thing becomes a
>> process of finding out, through your own objections, what you think.
>> The distinction I am making is important to me. Read a whole book, and,
>> if you disagree with it, construct an answer, a critique, an objection.
>> That is showing respect. Commenting on the first four pages is not only
>> disrespectful, but moronic.
>> Fred Camper
>> Chicago.
>> --
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>> Frameworks at film-gallery.org
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(646) 260-3133

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