[Frameworks] OOOPS! / PiL + Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices + filmstocks database

Eric Theise erictheise at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 04:44:38 CST 2020

One of the highlights of sheltering-in-place was, for me, tuning in to
drummer Martin Atkins' Zoom reminiscences about recording and touring with
Public Image Ltd. around the time of Flowers of Romance.

"Punk as fuck".

Sometimes he'd use that phrase sarcastically, e.g., to describe living a
rock star life in the Hollywood Hills with John Lydon, petty disagreements
about milk bottle deliveries, burning through record company advances to
cruise to clubs in tricked out convertibles. Other times he'd use it
literally to draw attention to his of-the-moment endeavors, executing
scrappy campaigns to raise tens of thousands of dollars for small
businesses before any naysayers could opine that they'd never work.

It was punk as fuck, latter usage, for Kim Knowles to accidentally post a
pdf of her book to Frameworks. I count myself among the people who don't
have the institutional affiliation - or disposable income, even with a 20%
discount – to grab a copy (though I will be recommending that the San
Francisco Public Library acquire one). Hopefully others will be in a
position to follow Brandon Walley's lead and purchase the hardcover after
perusing the pdf.


Some of you know I started working with Mark Toscano on a filmstocks
database at the end of May.

OOOPS!, well it seems Release v134 disabled password protection (election
day fatigue!!), so enjoy! https://filmstocks.horizontalboundaries.org/

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