[Frameworks] Brooklyn live/work sublet from Jan 1st $1440

ev petrol epetrol2 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 16 13:01:53 CST 2020

Hey folks, 
hope you're all well and hanging in there?
I'm looking for a subletter from Jan on, pass it on!

cheers Moira

I'mlooking for a clean and reliable subletter for my old-schoollive/workloftin Brooklyn, fromJanuary 1stto June 30th,2021(anearlier move-in date could be negotiated).Theloft is big and spacious (588square feet) with hardwood floors, high ceilings and great light;there’s a separate bedroom and a large living room /work space withbasic kitchen (two hot plates, counter, fridge and sink). The loft isfully furnished, close to two subway stops and has a view ofManhattan (and lots of good books and music!). It'sa great space for working remotely. There's a 16mm flatbed in the loft in good working order. The loft is my live/work space, so I’m looking for someone who willrespect and take care of it while I’m out of town. 

Rentis $1440,this includes utilities (without a/c) and cleaning once a month.Additional utilities (eg: if a/c used) will be paid by the subletter.To secure the sublet I'll need 3 references, the 1st month’s rentand a deposit of one month’s rent which I will return once you'vemoved out. The replacement cost of anything missing or damaged willbe subtracted from the deposit. No pets allowed (non-negotiable). Getin touch for pix, further info &c!

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