[Frameworks] Hybrid Docs

Shashwati Talukdar mail at shashwati.com
Mon Jun 28 02:32:54 UTC 2021

Dear Frameworkers,

I am trying to put together a list of hybrid documentaries that mix
together archival materials, documentary footage, fiction, experimental,
fake doc, basically everything and anything in between, especially when
dealing with historical events, or historical figures. Marlon Fuentes'
'Bontoc Eulogy' comes to mind. I would prefer suggestions for full length
films, but if there is a really compelling shorter one I'd love to add it
to the list. It would be helpful if its actually possible to watch that
film. I am without institutional support of any sort, so getting access is
often convoluted. All that aside, look forward to your suggestions.

And considering quite a few here also teach, I would be happy to get
suggestions for essays and articles (hopefully they won't all be behind a
firewall - looking at you Jstor) TIA


Shashwati Talukdar
<https://www.facebook.com/fournineandahalf> <http://vimeo.com/shashwati>
[image: Four Nine and a Half Pictures, Inc.] <http://fournineandahalf.com/>
<http://wallstories.fournineandahalf.com/> <http://dontbeatmesir.com>
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