[Frameworks] David Brooks

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Fri Apr 29 12:54:43 CDT 2022

I found in an easy Internet search.


I remember writing on the film, perhaps quite briefly, but could not 
immediately find my review, which the writer here refers to.

Coincidentally, I met Brooks just before he died. He came to a show at 
the MIT Film Society. We had shown his short film /Eel Creek, /which I 
liked, and when I expressed interest in /The Wind is Driving Him Toward 
the Open Sea/, he strongly recommended tha we show it. We later did, and 
I liked it very much.

Fred Camper

On 4/29/2022 4:37 AM, Mark Webber wrote:
> Hello Pip
> I’m pretty sure Jonas wrote pieces about David Brooks in the Village Voice. These will be in the big book, if not in Movie Journal.
> I’ll let you know if I think of or find anything else …
> All best,
> Mark
>> Dear FrameWorkers,
>> Re:Voir is preparing a DVD release of the films of David Brooks.
>> There is very little critical writing on his work. He was a very important up and coming young filmmaker in the late 1960s but he died suddenly in 1969 at the age of 24 and today there is very little memory of him and his films.
>> Would any of you be familiar with his work and interested in writing a critical essay for our DVD booklet?
>> Thanks all,
>> Pip Chodorov
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