[Frameworks] neg cutting

Els van Riel mail at elsvanriel.be
Mon Apr 24 16:10:37 UTC 2023

Dear Anna,

Thanks for the offer, but we really want to buy this super8 JK gear. If we want to borrow we do have acces to one a bit closer by, in France..
The tube is an extension to fix behind the lens, to reach the focus on S8.

I don’t know of film artist here who cut their own negatives, except at LABO BxL we sometimes do, also with tape, mostly only to leader for printing short looper films. Mariette has only one command every two or three months. She can’t make a living out of it ;-)
We also have Dejonghe film-laboraties in Belgium, who does negative cutting, next to the general 35 and 16mm film processing. 
Many filmmakers who film on film here, finish the process digitally nowadays. They don’t cut their negatives at all.

Els van Riel

On 23 Apr 2023, at 18:40, Anna Kipervaser <anna.kipervaser at gmail.com> wrote:

Els, I understand you're looking to own a s8 gate for the JK, but would it be helpful to borrow one for a while or is that not of interest? I ask because I might be able to help facilitate a lending (from the US). And I'm sorry I don't know what the lens extension situation is or what it's used for. Would love to learn! I've got a K103 and have bellows on the JK. I feel like I've seen JKs with both the extension in your pic and bellows, and have assumptions on why, but would love to learn specifics. Please tell.

Also, is Mariette Michaud cutting negatives for most folks in Belgium, or are most doing their own neg cutting? I'm so interested in this question especially when there's a magician like Mariette Michaud around. 

Jeff, I'm sorry.... but again, not asking for any advice or explanations re neg cutting, tape splicing vs cement, etc... Perhaps it's unintentional, but your messages read like you're talking down to people, to me and others [Scott's initial message read that way too]. Not cool. You already said you haven't done this in ages and that you've gone digital so maybe you don't know what's actually happening these days regarding this topic.

And I dunno why you're putting real in quotes. As if LABO BxL or Mono No Aware or nanolab aren't real [to name a few from diff continents]!? Are they figments of our imagination?! As a point of fact: both artist run and commercial labs are putting tape splices thru their ultrasonic cleaning machines and their contact printers - both wet and dry gate.

***NOTICE: no one is asking if tape splicing is possible or ok to use for neg cutting. No one. Not a single person in the whole wide world***

Thank you for reading my PSA, now we return to our regularly scheduled programming. Peace and fucking love y'all, peace and love. 

Disclaimer: I am not pissed. I know where I posted my initial inquiry. I just insist on clarity of communication and on speaking up if something ain't feeling right.

On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 4:31 AM Els van Riel <mail at elsvanriel.be <mailto:mail at elsvanriel.be>> wrote:

Here in Belgium we had Huguette Van Volsem who worked as a fulltime neg-cutter for our Belgian film-en TV industry. A few years ago Mariette Michaud bought part of her equipement and uses it from time to time. Her splices ar invisible.

By the way, reading about the JK optical printer, in artist run LABO BxL we are still on the look out for its super-8 gate and lens-extension for our JK107. See picture.
If anyone could give me a lead? We have a budget for it.

Thank you very much!

Els van Riel

On 23 Apr 2023, at 08:57, Jeff Kreines <jeff at kinetta.com <mailto:jeff at kinetta.com>> wrote:

Tape splices are fine for a JK.  You can even cut the neg with handles and skip the splices when printing.

However, if you are going to a “real” lab, they won’t like tape splices because they can’t use an ultrasonic cleaner.  (They can, but the splices eventually come off.)

Jeff Kreines
jeff at kinetta.com <mailto:jeff at kinetta.com>
kinetta.com <http://kinetta.com/>

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