[Frameworks] Eiki projector problems

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Thu Dec 14 02:15:56 UTC 2023

Thanks, Scott and Jeff.

I'm talking about a black and white print that looked pink, when I could 
also detect a bit of pink in in a color print.

I'm talking about the screen image with no print in it looking pink or 
orange or both.

If no one else had had this problem with Eikis, that would be good to 
hear. I didn't used to, with older Eikis. I only posted because it has 
happened twice. I can't believe it's my eyes, but it could be, I 
suppose, except that the whites on my computer screen look white. I'm 
about to have cataract surgery; I'll post here again if it's "just me." 
Scott, I'll have to wait a bit on data as the projector is stashed away 
in a location I get to maybe once a week.

The possibility that I am just nuts is certainly non zero. Strange 
things have happened before. There could be a giant "Pure White" switch 
on the Eiki that I have turned off, or something similarly obvious.

Fred Camper

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