[Frameworks] My book, my recent art

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Wed Mar 15 21:42:17 UTC 2023

/I have just sent the message below to many friends, including a few on 

/The second part, on my art, is not technically appropriate here, and 
you can skip it if you like. It does contain links to two videos. If you 
look, well, many of my projects, involving the arrangement and 
rearrangement of still photos, have a strong cinematic component, and 
this is one of them./

/T/his is in part a follow-up to my email of a few months ago announcing 
the publication of my book, /Seeking Brakhage/ 
<https://fredcamper.com/Brakhage/SeekingBrakhage.html>, a collection of 
my writings on Stan Brakhage from 1966 to the present. Recently two very 
positive reviews have appeared, /Seeking (and Finding) Brakhage 
by David Sterritt, and /The Act of Reading with One's Own Eyes: Fred 
Camper's "Seeking Brakhage," 
Paul Attard. The ebook version is now a little over $15 on Amazon and 
Barnes & Noble, and Amazon has just lowered the print version price to 
$59, a significant discount from the list price, The printing cost, with 
56 color stills and using a better than standard process, is so high 
that I have set the print price as low as possible without selling at a 

What I liked about each of the reviews is not only that they share my 
enthusiasm for Brakhage’s amazing films, but that in these reviews I 
found aspects of what I most care about in my own writing on Brakhage 
recognized and acknowledged. For example, where each writer quoted from 
my book, the quotes made some of my key points.

In addition, I have news about the art work, digital prints mostly based 
on my own photographs, that I have been making for the past two decades. 
In March 2021 I began perhaps my most ambitious project yet, titled 
/Weeks and Months/ <https://fredcamper.com/A/WeeksandMonths/index.html>, 
for which, partly in response to the pandemic, I photographed a 
different group of images each day, at first almost entirely in my 
apartment during the snowy lockdown of March 2021 in Chicago. Soon I 
started traveling, within the Chicago area and beyond, in search of 
varied subjects, and traveled for more than half of 2022, mostly in the 
US, but also in Canada and Europe, concluding in Istanbul, where 
photography ended as I had planned on December 31, 2022. It will be a 
while before I can post very much of the work that is resulting, and in 
fact partly because putting my work on the Web is very time consuming I 
have posted no new art since 2017. However, spurred by a video that my 
friend Brian Hischier made about this project and my photographing of 
it, /Dreams of Lost Wholeness/ <https://vimeo.com/803760397/55fbd1f125>, 
I have just posted nine works from the month when that video was shot, 
May 2022. This art, some general comments on the project, and an 
artist’s statement can be found by starting at the project’s main page 
<https://fredcamper.com/A/WeeksandMonths/>. There is also an earlier 
video showing my photographing in Belgium for an earlier project titled 
/Unthreadings/ <https://fredcamper.com/A/Unthreadings/index.html>, 
/fred’s unthreadings <https://vimeo.com/241074912>/, made by my friend 
Yoel Meranda.

My art work exists as archival prints, but these particular works I find 
come through reasonably well on a computer screen, though not at all on 
a phone screen. It is my intention to post much more from /Weeks and 
Months/ eventually

Fred Camper
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