[Frameworks] Adhering film-to-film

Justin Rhody justincliffordrhody at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 17:53:30 UTC 2023

I'm assisting an artist with a collage film they're making - it's literally
a "collage", with tiny film elements cut out of 8mm & 16mm found footage
being reconfigured and glued onto 35mm stock.

She has a question about how to best adhere cut out pieces of film to film
(clear leader).  Anyone on this list have experience in this?  Her concerns
aren't about archival-ness.  She's just looking for what method would best
adhere the elements long enough to complete the film and have it scanned *(4
months or so)*, while being as invisible as possible.

In our tests, simply using splice tape causes a number of issues *(visible
tape marks, difficulty meticulously placing multiple tiny elements, air
bubbles)* and it seems that applying rubber cement with a thin paint brush
is the best option.

Anything else we should look into?

Thanks for your help. -Justin

*Photography & Film: *justincliffordrhody.com
*No Name Cinema:* *www.nonamecinema.org* <http://www.nonamecinema.org>
*Physical media:* *physicalbooksandmedia.bandcamp.com*
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