[Frameworks] Experimental Film Group on YouTube & Vimeo!

Mason Shefa keyfilmation at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 13 22:37:12 CDT 2010

Hi all,

I'd just like to let everyone know that there is a growing YouTube and Vimeo
Experimental Film Group! If you are an experimental filmmaker and have films
posted on YouTube or Vimeo, you should join the group and share your videos.
It is a great way to share your work, receive feedback, and see others' films.

Here is the link, and, of course, it's free to join: 

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/group/intexpfilm

Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/groups/intexpfilm

Thanks to those who are in the group already.

Mason Shefa

P.S. As for UbuWeb, I am sad to see it go; however, if it was taken down
because of the site not getting proper permission for the art, then I have
no problem with its demise, and feel that people need to understand that
one's artwork is personal, intellectual property.

Mason Shefa
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