[Frameworks] UbuWeb...HACKED!

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Thu Oct 14 18:44:57 CDT 2010

I have to largely agree with Beth here -- as is well known, people  
whose last names begin with "Ca" are unusually smart.

I do think that artists should be able to have their work removed from  
the 'Net if they request it, but as I understand it most cites, Ubu  
included, were doing that. At the same time, once a cultural product  
has been put out in the world, and has influenced others, it should  
not solely be considered the "property" of its maker at least in moral  
terms, even if, legally, it is, because it has become part of the  

Quoting Beth Capper <capper.beth at gmail.com>:

> The bad image is perhaps more of an incentive
> to see a pristine print....

I think I posted confirming this a few years back. I was invited to  
present six programs of Brakhage films in Rio de Janeiro. Nobody could  
remember the last time Brakhage in prints were in that great city. I  
carried most of them; some were shipped. The shows wend splendidly.  
And many of the people there told me that their interest in Brakhage  
had been stimulated by the horrible (and, presumably, illegal) copies  
they had seen on the 'Net. They knew these were bad versions, but were  
at the least intrigued, and really wanted to see the real thing.

The fact is that prints of the "classics" of our field are just not  
available in most of the world, especially the world outside of the  
US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan.

Fred Camper

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