[Frameworks] Flicker Films

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Tue Apr 24 13:02:51 CDT 2012

Jonathan's answer is very good (I might add that Ernie Gehr's "Table" is a
kind of flicker film), and just about any "theme" is suitable for
programming. I just wanted to register a slight discontent with the many,
many theme-based shows that produce queries here, not with any one in
particular, just with their preponderance.

It would be my contention that "Arnulf Rainer" has, on its deepest level,
much more kinship with Kubelka's other films than with any other "flicker"
films. Considering the relationship between "Arnulf Rainer" and "Unsere
Afrikareise" might occasion some deep thoughts about film stuctures and
consciousness the nature and meanings of Kubelka's work. Considering
"Arnulf Rainer" in relation to other flicker film does not get one nearly
as far, in my opinion. Sure, you can notice differences, but it's not easy
for a viewer to understand a filmmaker's unique language from a single
film. My richest experiences tend to come from considering a filmmaker's
whole oeuvre, even as the object-orientated nature of our culture tends to
want to focus on specific films.

Fred Camper

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