[Frameworks] Nils and Sandra Olsen appeal for support for Lawrence Brose

defensefund at lawrencebrose.com defensefund at lawrencebrose.com
Thu May 9 20:49:48 UTC 2013

        Sandy and I are writing in support of our friend and colleague
Lawrence Brose.   A distinguished filmmaker and the long-time
Director of CEPA Gallery, Lawrence has been a highly respected and
prominent member of the arts community in Buffalo for many years. 
We have known Lawrence for many years and consider him a valued

	As we are sure that you are aware, Lawrence is currently fighting federal
criminal charges.   As set forth in chilling clarity by local attorney
William Altreuter in his essay in the November 8, 2012 issue of Art
Voice, The United States vs. Lawrence Brose: A Butterfly on the Wheel,
http://artvoice.com/issues/v11n45/guest_essay,  Lawrence has been charged
with possession of images of child pornography allegedly found on an
unsecured Mac computer in a studio shared by many artists.   This is a
time when Lawrence requires the support of his many friends.

	As difficult as it is to be charged with any federal felony, possession
of images of child pornography allegations represent a perfect storm for
the federal criminal defendant.   Because of the repugnant nature of the
offense, not to mention the creation of such images and the wanton
destruction of childhood they represent, any individual facing such a
charge is presumed guilty until proven innocent, and becomes a pariah,
even among many who considered themselves friends.  A defendant is likely
to lose his job and all available sources of income and normalcy at
exactly the time they are most important.  The specialized and serious
nature of the allegations and the potential punishment that conviction
carries are such as to demand the assistance of only the most experienced
and effective criminal defense attorney.  Such individuals, whose fees
are likely to exhaust all available resources, are absolutely essential
to a successful defense.

	Lawrence has been mired in this situation for over three years. He has
lost his position with CEPA, an organization whose best interest he
served for many years.  While he has retained the services of Paul
Cambria, one of the most experienced advocates nationally for defense of
such charges, the cost of mounting a serious defense is astronomical. 
Lawrence has exhausted all of his personal resources, including his
retirement accounts, and must receive financial assistance from those of
us who know and support him.

	It is critical that Lawrence continue to aggressively fight the charges
and maintain his innocence. While the financial cost of such a defense is
ruinous, the cost of a guilty plea, the alternative to mounting a
defense, is far more destructive.  Not only would Lawrence have to admit
guilt of an offense for which he has consistently maintained his factual
innocence, but he would have to spend a significant amount of time in a
federal prison, and be publically labeled as a sexual offender for life. 
We are therefore asking you to join us, make a contribution to the
defense fund established for Lawrence, and give him a call to express
your continued support and friendship.

	The Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund is a Class A Non-Profit Corporation
registered with the State of New York. Donations are not tax deductible. 
However, donations can be made through the National Center for Reason and
Justice, a 501(c) 3 non-profit.  Send a check made out to "The National
Center for Reason and Justice" with "Lawrence Brose" in the memo line and
mail it to The National Center for Reason and Justice, PO BOX 191101
Roxbury, MA 02119 or visit the Center's website 
http://ncrj.org/lawrence-brose/ to make an online donation and learn more
about this important organization.  Non-tax deductible donations can also
be sent directly to the fund if you prefer to do so.  Please send a check
payable to "Lawrence Brose Legal Defense Fund" and mail it to 112 Bedford
Avenue #3R, Brooklyn, NY 11249.

We thank you for your thoughtful and compassionate consideration.

Nils Olsen, Professor of Law and former Dean, University at Buffalo Law
Sandra Olsen, PhD, Director of the University at Buffalo Art Galleries.



We also invite supporters to send us their comments and suggestions for
spreading the word and seeking support.  We are confident that justice
will prevail for Lawrence Brose with your help.

If you do not want to receive updates on Lawrence’s defense, please let us

Sincerest regards,

The Defense Fund Team
defensefund at lawrencebrose.com


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