[Frameworks] Advice with screening format for festival. Help!

David Tetzlaff djtet53 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 02:26:58 UTC 2014


If you feel "cut down" or "shot down" because someone disagrees with you on a Listserv, you might want to grow a thicker skin. 

> I gave an example from my own experience as an artist who has had his worked projected through a film projector and a video projector.

Which you admitted was a "low end" projector. From this, you generalized to the claim that only film projection looks "like film." I said this is false, because it is false. Framing the claim as beyond critique because it's an "opinion" is utter BS. It may also be your "opinion" that the Earth is only 6,000 years old and humans and dinosaurs inhabited the planet at the same time. Some opinions are worth more than others, based on the argument and evidence one can muster in support of them. You reply is an ad hominem attack on me for having the effrontery to disagree with you on substance, and you made no response whatsoever to the substantive points in my post. 

> I find this discussion board has a lot of members who criticize other filmmakers for the suggestions they offer to artists looking for advice.

Well, anyone who advises an artist with limited resources in terms of funds, and facing a very tight deadline to have a 35mm print made, or go to the effort of making a DIY contact print on a Steenbeck, deserves to be criticized.

> The film screened last night at a local venue and their 35mm projector broke down

I guess that venue hadn't read Scott Dorsey's post asserting "It's hard to mess up a 35mm presentation."

> I have 20 plus years working in the film industry and working with film to create my own films. My opinion matters as much as any one else on this discussion board.

I'm confused. Is your "opinion" supposed to be considered valid for others because of your 20-plus years experience, or merely a purely subjective evaluation because it's JUST "your opinion"? (FYI, I've been doing moving picture work for over 40 years, but that doesn't automatically make my opinion worth spit.) 

And, oh yeah, I noticed that neat little inflation where you tried to infer from my objection to ONE SPECIFIC FACTUAL CLAIM made in your OP that I somehow am am discounting you and ALL your opinions categorically. In general, in their collectivity, yeah, everyone's opinions matter. But if 'being professional' means no one call out a particular claim as crapola as long as the author has couched it under the weaselly rubric of 'what I believe,' then I believe I shall have to maintain my amateur standing.


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