[Frameworks] FW: New book: Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices

Bernard Roddy roddybp0 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 16:36:08 CST 2020

Hi Florian!

Every comment is unsolicited.

I'll just leave the list if you all would prefer a facebook-type

But I don't know how now!


On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 4:05 PM Florian Cramer <flrncrmr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Bernard wrote:
> > I read the first four pages. One can hear in this the debates associated
> with higher education and the resources available to would-be students,
> hiring patterns and decisions about what programs to cut or what
> technologies to teach.
> Just a personal note: I read the first four pages, too, and saw that my
> paper "What is post-digital?" is discussed on the fourth. I am personally
> extremely grateful for this, because that paper had actually been written
> on the basis of, and reflecting on, my personal experience with handmade
> filmmaking and artist-run filmlabs, particularly filmwerkplaats Rotterdam
> (and previous conversations with Pip, Bernard and many others) and Esther
> Urlus, who received the really deserved coverage in this book. My paper
> ended up being completely misunderstood by new media/digital humanities
> scholars who adopted "post-digital" for their field of research.  I
> actually just made this experience again this afternoon at a conference on
> "post-digital culture management" where I had been invited as the keynote
> speaker and felt rather alienated. So I am really happy to be included here.
> Florian
> --
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