[Frameworks] FW: New book: Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices

Florian Cramer flrncrmr at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 16:03:29 CST 2020

Bernard wrote:

> I read the first four pages. One can hear in this the debates associated
with higher education and the resources available to would-be students,
hiring patterns and decisions about what programs to cut or what
technologies to teach.

Just a personal note: I read the first four pages, too, and saw that my
paper "What is post-digital?" is discussed on the fourth. I am personally
extremely grateful for this, because that paper had actually been written
on the basis of, and reflecting on, my personal experience with handmade
filmmaking and artist-run filmlabs, particularly filmwerkplaats Rotterdam
(and previous conversations with Pip, Bernard and many others) and Esther
Urlus, who received the really deserved coverage in this book. My paper
ended up being completely misunderstood by new media/digital humanities
scholars who adopted "post-digital" for their field of research.  I
actually just made this experience again this afternoon at a conference on
"post-digital culture management" where I had been invited as the keynote
speaker and felt rather alienated. So I am really happy to be included here.

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