[Frameworks] FW: New book: Experimental Film and Photochemical Practices

Fred Camper f at fredcamper.com
Tue Nov 3 18:28:18 CST 2020

Eric, thanks very much, and no, I did not know that.

In hindsight I should have dropped a couple of the extreme adjectives in 
my post in response to Roddy, and will keep that in mind for the future. 
I still find it incredible that someone would think it appropriate to 
post an evaluative, and rather judgmental, paragraph about a book based 
on its first four pages. Doing so violates all that I believe about how 
one should respond to books, or films. Others may disagree.

I started appending "Chicago" to my name more than a decade ago, in the 
hope that others would follow, because of, for example, frustrating 
posts inviting everyone to a screening at "123 Main Street" with no 
mention of the city. We all come from different places, and nations, and 
I still wish it was easy to tell where everyone was from.

But yes, Bruce wrote purely ad hominem. He does not make an argument.

Fred Camper

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