[Frameworks] Advice on archival workflow and hardware for Super 8 and 16mm

redmond entwistle redmondvyvian at eml.cc
Tue Apr 6 12:48:35 UTC 2021

Dear Frameworkers, 

I have a film preservation question completely unrelated to artists film. 

But it might be useful for others who want to preserve their material. 

A friend is trying to preserve a selection of rare martial arts demonstrations on 16mm, Super 8 from the 50’s to the 80’s. 

In addition to the film reels are three large cassettes of 3/4 inch video tape.  

The first step is to preserve everything, and then to edit it for distribution. 

I wondered if anyone has a standard workflow for preservation they could share? 

One primary question is whether it should be scanned to 2k or 4K. 

There is also a seemingly endless possibility of hard drives and backup drives, and I wondered if anyone has a recommendation for editing and storage drives?

Many thanks in advance for any advice you might have, even if it isn’t quite Maya Deren’s Meditation on Violence, 

All the best, 


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