[Frameworks] RAGTAG - JFF

giuseppe boccassini g.boccassini at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 09:54:17 UTC 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,

I'd like to invite you to the *Israeli Premiere *of my feature film *Ragtag*
<https://giuseppeboccassini.com/ragtag> at the *40th Jerusalem Film
Festival*, from July 13, to 23, 2023. The film will be presented
within the *Cinemania,
Chantal Akerman Prize*


*As an extensive historical portrait of the human psyche of the twentieth
century and its dark pre and post-war landscape, the film lets the past be
inscribed in a present gesture, as its own “operative field”. As an act of
perpetual destruction and creation, a sort of ouroboros, a tail-devourer
that roams on the threshold between history and desire, visible and
invisible, light and shadow.*

Here as follow the date of the screenings:

*Sunday 16.07.23 17:15 *Cinematheque 4
*Friday 21.07.23 16:00 *Cinematheque 4


*the tension to the invisible*
web <http://giuseppeboccassini.com> / lightcone
<https://lightcone.org/en/filmmaker-3159-giuseppe-boccassini> / VOD
<https://dafilms.com/film/10932-la-notte-salva> / fracto
Research &PhD Scholar UNIUD
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