[Frameworks] Xenon Super-8 projector in NYC

Maximilien maxwolf333 at gmail.com
Thu May 4 12:45:47 UTC 2023

*Hi everyone, *

*I am forwarding a message from Carlos Saldaña (of Revista Lumière), who is
not on the listserv. He is looking for a Xenon S8 projector in NYC, to use
on May 13th, for this screening
<https://movingimage.us/event/coleccion-privada/> at Museum of the Moving
*If you have any leads, please write to Carlos at: *b22carlos at gmail.com




We've just heard that Mono No Aware doesn't have a Xenon Super-8 projector,
which we misunderstood they had. They only have halogen-lamp S8 projectors.
We need a Xenon one for Juan Bufill's film at our screening at MoMI's, or
else we will throw a very dim image onto their immense screen.

Steve Cossman told us the only Xenon S8 he knows about in NYC is the one at

Do you have any lead on who might have (individuals, companies) a S8 Xenon
projector in NY that might be able to leave/rent to us for May 13?



Founder + Editor, Ultra Dogme: https://ultradogme.com/
Avant-garde Instructor, Art on the Run: https://filmschool.berlin/
Writing Portfolio: https://maxluc.contently.com/
Music: https://twonicecatholicboys.bandcamp.com/
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