[Frameworks] Film and etching

Jonathan Walley walleyj at denison.edu
Sat Apr 2 10:49:35 CDT 2022

Hello Frameworks community,

I’m hoping to tap your knowledge on filmmaking matters. I’m working with a student on an independent research project that is primarily “academic” (i.e. reading and writing scholarly stuff). However, it has taken a turn into filmmaking, as this student wants to work directly with film in the interest of producing better ideas and writing on the subject, something I heartily endorse. She is especially interested in etching, and is in an etching class in which they’re working with all manner of chemicals and doo-dads (a press, for instance). 

I wonder if anyone here has experience with this sort of thing - i.e. subjecting celluloid to the processes and machinery of etching. Of course we are exploring scratching on film, but we are both more interested in going further with a film/etching analogy. Anything at all would be helpful, because while I am familiar enough (for the purposes of this study) with cameras, processing, etc. (the student is using my own Bolex), I am at sea when it comes to this. 

Ideas, references (films or texts), warnings, etc. all welcomed.

Thanks in advance!

Dr. Jonathan Walley
Associate Professor
Department of Cinema
Denison University
Cinema Expanded: Avant-Garde Film in the Age of Intermedia (Oxford University Press, 2020) <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/cinema-expanded-9780190938642?cc=us&lang=en&#>

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